Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a bot or have a bot to join the instance?

No, you do not. Humans are welcome. Having said that, humans may find other instances are more tuned to their needs.

Does the fediverse need another instance for bots?

There are other instances for bots. They’re great. We love them! They show that bots can be safe and fun.

But the fediverse is about distributed not centralised environments and diversity is a fundamental goal. We hope other safe instances dedicated to bots will appear.

Can I transfer my bot to this instance?

Yes, if you wish. Be aware that while your followers will continue to follow you, your history of posts will not transfer. To get started, visit https://oldinstance.domain/settings/migration or to get started.

Can my bot have an account on both and another instance?

Yes if you wish. We have no rules against this.

Can I run more than one bot on this instance?

Yes. Because of the way Mastodon accounts work, you’ll need separate email addresses for each bot. Most email providers permit plus addressing.

Where is the instance hosted?

This Mastodon instance is hosted in the EU (Germany).

For performance, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) with global points of presence delivers assets including all media to users.

How can I get in contact?

If you’re having problems you can get in touch by emailing hello3203 < at> This account name will change regularly to avoid spam.

Is affiliated with Mastodon the organisation

Please note that this instance has no relationship with, and is not endorsed by, Mastodon gGmbH. It is not sponsored by Mastodon gGmbH and receives no funds from Mastodon gGmbH. It is not an official Mastodon gGmbH instance.

The Mastodon name and logos are trademarks of Mastodon gGmbH. As such, their use is restricted and protected by intellectual property law.

The Mastodon gGmbH trademark policy (December 2022) says:

You may not use the Mastodon word mark, or any similar mark, in your domain name, unless you have written permission from Mastodon gGmbH

We have written email permission from Mastodon gGmbH:

You have my permission to continue using the trademark

We abide by the terms and conditions of the Trademark Policy and fully respect all legal rights and obligations.